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Purfleet Primary Academy

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Reading at Purfleet Primary


At Purfleet Primary Academy we promote the importance of books and encourage a love of reading from a child’s first day at school. All children receive a reading book which is graded at different levels throughout the school. The books are colour coded and children move through these levels throughout their time at Purfleet. The reading books are based on our core schemes of Oxford Reading Tree and Rigby. We encourage children to read at home and there is a home-school reading book for parents and teachers to complete. Regular readers are rewarded each week in assembly. For children who find reading difficult, we provide intervention programmes and use the ‘15 minutes a day’ programme to support this.



All children from Nursery to Year 2 take part in a daily phonics session. Purfleet Primary follows the Letters and Sounds Programme. This teaches children the different letters and sounds in the English language that form the foundations of reading and writing. Children are taught to apply their phonic knowledge in order to read and write.

Pupils take a “Phonics Screening Check” at the end of year 1. For children who find phonics difficult, support is available through additional intervention programmes and frequent opportunities to work one to one with an adult. This continues into Key Stage 2, if necessary.
